Seksueel welzijn/Smeermiddel op waterbasis/Neutrale
Bijoux - Water-based Personal Lubricant 500 Ml

Bijoux - Water-based Personal Lubricant 500 Ml

Intiem water -gebaseerd smeermiddel (500 ml) dat hydrateert, het microbioom beschermt, de pH in evenwicht is en veganistisch is, zonder geuren of parabenen.




EUR 77,90 (inc. BTW)





  • Productomschrijving  Bijoux - Water-based Personal Lubricant 500 Ml


    This Personal Lubricant promotes natural lubrication and supports a healthy microbiome.

    This formula keeps your tissues hydrated and moist, improving hydration and elasticity for maximum comfort.

    Enjoy limitless pleasure!

    The highlights of our formula:

    • ◾  WATER-BASED, the solution closest to natural lubrication.
    • ◾  FAVOURS A HEALTHY MICROBIOME, as a balanced microbiome helps prevent bacterial and fungal infections.
    • ◾  LOW OSMOLALITY 380 mOsm/kg, matching the osmolality of vaginal fluids (370 ± 40 mOsm/kg).
    • ◾  NO GLYCERIN OR PARABENS, to maintain the balance of the vaginal flora.
    • ◾  NO FRAGRANCE OR COLOURANTS, to minimise the risk of allergies.
    • ◾  ACIDIC pH, identical to the pH of the vagina: 4.5.
    • ◾  VEGAN, because we believe in a world where animals are not exploited or used as ingredients.

    In addition to the many factors that can contribute to a lack of lubrication (such as diet and stress level, for example), lubricants are not exclusive to people with vulvas.

    They are the perfect allies for solo play regardless of your genitals. They also combine perfectly with your favorite toy and, above all, they also accompany us when we need to lubricate areas of the body that do not lubricate naturally to make them safe, painless and fun.A lubricant is not only a problem solver, it is an essential for sexual pleasure.

    HOW?By choosing a medical grade water-based lubricant formulated with high quality ingredients to combine with your natural lubrication, without fragrance, coloring or added sugar.


    • ◾  WATER-BASED, the closest thing to natural lubrication.
    • ◾  PROMOTES A HEALTHY MICROBIOME, because a healthy microbiome prevents infections caused by bacteria and fungi.
    • ◾  LOW OSMOLALITY* 380 MOSM/KG, because the osmolality of vaginal fluids is 370 ± 40 mOsm/kg.
    • ◾  NO GLYCERINE OR PARABENS, to maintain a balanced vaginal flora.
    • ◾  NO FRAGRANCE OR COLORANTS, to avoid allergies.
    • ◾  ACID PH, equal to the pH of the vagina: 4.5. An acidic pH.
    • ◾  VEGAN, because we believe in a world where animals are not tested and do not use them as an ingredient.
  • ID's 
    MerkBijoux Indiscrets
    TypeSmeermiddel op waterbasis
    Categorie Seksueel welzijn / Smeermiddel op waterbasis / Neutrale
    Streepjescode8436562016180 (EAN-13), 8436562016326 (EAN-13)
    Geschikt voorUnisex
    Verpakking gewicht---
    Afmetingen verpakking66 x 66 x 215 mm
    Volume500 ml
    KleurLichte Zalm
    Capaciteit+ 200 ml
    Prijs inclusief BTWEUR 77,90
    Prijs exclusief BTWEUR 64,38
    BTW (21,00%)EUR 13,52
    BereikEUR 50 - 100

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